Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Celebrating the All in Alleyn's

Celebrating the All in Alleyn's

Today we were thrilled to host our inaugural Celebration Day – a chance to reflect with pride on our amazing achievements as a school this year, both collectively and individually. Like the Speech Days of the past, this was about celebrating success, but most importantly it was about celebrating as a collective, a whole school community, because the success of our school belongs to everybody.

What makes our school so special is the people; the wonderfully kind, talented, quirky, clever pupils and staff. Every single person has played a part in making this year so memorable, and we want everyone to feel a sense of pride and ownership in that.

This day is was about reliving the profound moments; the light-hearted moments; the moments of individual triumph and of collective endeavour as we reflected on the 2023 layer of our school history. We would like to congratulate all the amazing prize winners today - they should all be extremely of themselves.

Of course, this success does not exist in isolation, which is why we’d like to acknowledge the amazing support they’ve had from parents, families and friends. The endless support and encouragement of our school community is one of things that makes Alleyn’s so special.

We hope everyone has a wonderful summer break and that our GCSE and A Level pupils see all their hard work pay off during exam results day.

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Celebrating the All in Alleyn's
