Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at Alleyn’s is an umbrella term to encompass everything we do to strive for a School that is equitable for all.
Alleyn’s is fully committed to working towards a more equitable society.As part of this work, the School seeks to be open-minded in identifying and dismantling any barriers that might prevent members of our community from flourishing and engaging with everything Alleyn’s has to offer.
Alleyn’s values diversity in all forms, recognising the worth and joy that comes from celebrating the achievements of those around us and those that have been pioneers in advancing the cause of others. We also recognise the crucial value that diversity of experience, thought and opinion brings to our community and make every effort through several deliberate initiatives and day-to-day workings and operations to demonstrate this.
Our values of respect, opportunity, curiosity, courage and kindness enable us in our efforts to be an inclusive community where every individual feels they can play their part, be valued for their achievements and flourish to become who they truly are.
Supported by our dedicated EDI Leads, who are made up of both operational and teaching staff, we have a number of student-led societies and clubs that support the School's overarching efforts to create a truly inclusive community. They lead on educational moments and celebratory events to raise awareness of the challenges and perceptions of our current society in order that we play our part in creating a better one.
Student and staff leads come together, supported by ‘friends’ of our community and the EDI link governor, to discuss crucial issues, provide insight and a range of ‘lenses’ on a variety of issues including School policies and procedures to enable our broader efforts of improving equity, increasing and enabling diversity and working towards a fully inclusive community for all.
Student voice at Alleyn’s is a legitimate force for change and a key contributor to pupils knowing that they play a valuable and important part in our community.
Twice a term, form groups discuss and debate the challenges that they face as students at Alleyn’s; making recommendations, raising questions and sharing via their form groups their collective and individual views.
Sustainability and questions around EDI are always on the agenda for these discussions and Heads of Section and Heads of Year will also use these opportunities to gather key info from pupils about what’s happening pastorally in the year group.
Sectional councils gather this information and student leads, with support from Heads of Year, set the agenda for their section and in what can be lively open sessions pupil’s debate and vote on current issues, offer up further ideas and where possible make resolutions that are taken to section heads to bring about changes in their immediate community.
Successes and progress are reported back to forms so that they know they have been heard and that the School has acted where it can to support pupils.
Finally, the School Council brings together senior students and reps from across the School to discuss whole school matters, is used by the senior leadership team as a sounding board and is used as a means of tackling some of the thornier issues that pupils have risen through sectional councils.
Whole school assemblies provide a space for feedback on the work of this council to the community.
Once a week pupils from across the School are invited to a morning session at The Well to meet with the Deputy Head Pastoral and other members of the School leadership team to share their views on what’s happening around the school. This ensures that at least once in the year, every pupil has a chance to share their views and gives pupils a direct line to the Senior Leadership Team. (They also get biscuits! )