Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Junior School Term Dates

Term dates

While we do our best to ensure that these future term dates remain as published, we reserve the right to make changes should circumstances require it.


Lent 2025 
Staff return (CPD)Monday 6 January
Term begins (all pupils)Thursday 9 January
Half Term Monday 17 to Friday 21 February
Term ends Friday 28 March (midday)
Trinity 2025 
Staff return (CPD)Tuesday 22 April
Term begins (all pupils)Wednesday 23 April
Half TermMonday 26 to Friday 30 May 
Term ends Thursday 3 July (midday)


Advent Term 2025 
Staff return (CPD)Thursday 28 August
Term begins (all pupils)Tuesday 2 September
Half Term Monday 20 October to Friday 31 October
Term endsWednesday 17 December
Lent 2026 
Staff return (CPD)Thursday 8 January
Term begins (all pupils)Tuesday 13 January 
Half Term Monday 16 February to Friday 20 February
Term ends Friday 27 March 
Trinity 2026 (provisional)  
Staff return (CPD)Monday 20 April
Term begins (all pupils)Tuesday 21 April
Half TermMonday 25 May to Friday 29 May
Term ends Thursday 2 July