We aim to be clear and transparent about our policies which reflect the School's vision and shape daily life here at Alleyn’s.
Our school policies, rules and code of conduct are constantly reviewed in light of changes in legal requirements and practical needs.
We would encourage anyone who wishes to find out more or simply discuss any aspect of our policies to contact us.
Our School policies, Rules and Code of Conduct are constantly reviewed in light of changes in legal requirement and practical need.
We would encourage any pupil or parent who wishes to find out more or simply discuss any aspect of our policies to contact us. Hard copies of School policies are available from the School Office on request.
Accessibility Plan and SENDA Policy Part 1
Accessibility Plan and SENDA Policy Part 2
Admissions Policy, including Scholarships, Bursaries and Financial Assistance
Anti-Bullying and Harmful Peer Relations Policy (Senior School)
Artificial Intelligence Policy
Artificial Intelligence Values
Assessment Recording and Reporting Policy
Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance Policy
DBS & Barred List Checks and the Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy
Drugs and Harmful Substances Policy
Entrance Exam Concessions Policy (Senior School 11+ & 16+)
Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Facility Hire - Terms & Conditions of Hire
Fixed Period and Permanent Exclusions Policy
IT Acceptable Use Agreement for Pupils
IT Acceptable Use Agreement for Staff
Privacy Notice (Alleyn's School)
Pupil Code of Conduct and Expectations for Learning
Pupils' Social and Emotional Well-being and Mental Health Policy
Relationships and Sex Education Policy
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Specific Learning Differences and Disability Policy
We aim to be clear and transparent about our policies which reflect the School's vision and shape daily life for the wider school community.
Some of our key policies are available to read below. If you have any questions, please contact the School Office at [email protected].
Accessibility Plan and SENDA Policy Part 1
Accessibility Plan and SENDA Policy Part 2
Anti Bullying and Harmful Peer Relations Policy
Artificial Intelligence Policy
Artificial Intelligence Values
Child Missing or Absent Education Policy
DBS & Barred List Checks and the Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy
Entrance Examination Concessions and Access Arrangements
Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Fixed Period and Permanent Exclusion Policy
IT Acceptable Use Agreement (Staff)
Privacy Notice (Alleyn's School)
Pupils’ Social and Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Policy
Relationships and Sex Education Policy
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Teaching is consistently ambitious and sets appropriate challenges for all. As a result, pupils make good progress from their starting points and achieve high levels of success in public examinations.
ISI Report 2024
Our most recent ISI inspection took place in October of the Advent term, 2024, and we are absolutely delighted to have met all five required standards, and being recognised for the well-rounded education and excellent pastoral setting at both our Junior and Senior Schools.
Combines tradition with innovation as it educates pupils for the modern world.
ISI Report 2024
Our most recent ISI inspection took place in October of the Advent term, 2024, and we are absolutely delighted to have met all five required standards, and being recognised for the well-rounded education and excellent pastoral setting at both our Junior and Senior Schools.
The Head, Jane Lunnon, said:
‘In addition to meeting all of the ISI standards, the inspectors wrote an extremely and wholly positive report about us. They recognised the well-rounded education and the excellent pastoral setting at the school, with leadership and teaching ‘promoting the positive values of the school’ and creating ‘a stimulating, secure and happy environment, in which pupils thrive and have opportunities to discover their individual talents and potential’ , which they note leads to “consistently high results" and a co-curricular programme which “develops pupils" personal interests and skills to high levels”. They also picked out the fact that “the breadth of choice” available here supports pupils “to discover ‘all [they] can be."'
The Junior School Head, Simon Severino, said:
'We are delighted with and proud of this recent ISI report, which captures the energy, spirit and character of the school and its community. It reflects the commitment, hard work and positive engagement that our pupils and staff bring to the school, along with the strong endorsement of our parents.'
Alleyn's School ISI Report 2024
Alleyn's Good Schools Guide Review
Alleyn's School received a regulatory compliance inspection in 2021. Download the summary here and full report here
Alleyn's Junior School received a regulatory compliance inspection in 2021. Download the summary here and full report here
Alleyn's School received a regulatory compliance inspection in 2017. Download the report here
Alleyn's Junior School received a regulatory compliance inspection in 2017. Download the report here
Edward Alleyn, our founder and namesake of our school, founded his College of God's gift in 1619 to make a transformative difference to the lives of children around him.
Our generous bursary programme allows us to continue this legacy and make the same kind of difference to children who might otherwise not be able to access our school. This along with our fantastic Alleyn’s Together Community and Partnership programmes ensure our school continues to play an active role in our local community.