We look for young people who are hungry for opportunity; who are kind, capable and curious; and who possess the spirit of possibility. Scholarships for our Senior School reward excellence across a wide range of disciplines and are open to children of all backgrounds, regardless of their financial circumstances.
Scholarships (which can be worth up to a maximum of £5,000 per year and are not means-tested) may also be awarded in conjunction with bursaries.
We waive the registration fee to apply to Alleyn's for those in receipt of the Pupil Premium, Universal Credit or Income Support and we are constantly fundraising to increase the number of pupils we can support.
To learn more about help with fees at Alleyn's, contact the Registrar, Ms Louise Mawer, on 020 8557 1478 or email [email protected].
Around 10% of our Senior School pupils receive significant means-tested help with fees, many paying no fees at all. There is additional support available for extras such as uniform, learning devices and school trips. We provide over £2 million in means-tested support each year.