Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Senior School Parent Information

Useful Links for Parents

Term Dates

Contact Us

Stay informed

We invite parents to attend welcome evenings prior to, or at the very start of, any entry point into the School and there you will meet key staff, like the Form Tutor, the Head of House, the sectional teams and members of the Senior Management Team.

As an Alleyn's parent we will keep you up to date via a range of channels such as parents' evenings, written reports, and regular Alleyn’s Posts – the electronic mail system we use to keep parents informed of business at School.

As a parent you will have access to certain pages on the 'Hub’, which is our digital learning platform. There, you will be able to see your child’s timetable and information about her/his learning and daily life here. There are also dedicated pages for parents, giving details of things like our approach to well-being.

Every Friday you will receive Alleyn's On Point, an email round up of news and highlights from the week. You may also wish to follow our Instagram account @alleynsschool and X (formerly Twitter) account @Alleyns_School, which provide a regular insight into activities that are happening at the School.

Lower and Middle School Uniform

Medical and Counselling

Alleyn's has created a place named "the Alleyn's Well", which centralises mental health and wellbeing services for pupils and adults. 

Professionally trained counsellors are available for pupils on request. Our school counselling team works together with other members of staff and parents to support pupils in feeling better and achieving their goals.

We welcome self referral, parents getting in touch either directly with the counselling team or through teachers and of course, staff refer pupils if they feel there may be a need for additional support in this way.

Pupils are invited to attend an initial “triage” session so the counsellor can understand how the pupil is feeling, hear what has happened, address initial concerns and think together about what may be helpful going forward.

If self-referred the initial session is completely confidential. Whilst further sessions are confidential, in order to allow their children the space to be able to express themselves freely, it is our team's duty to share safeguarding concerns and the pupils name will be added to our counselling list. We work closely with parents at this stage to ensure that everyone is as informed as they need to be to best facilitate a pupil’s needs.

School counselling takes place during the school day, the counsellor will work with pupils to select the most appropriate time slot, during lessons where necessary, but also before school, at lunch or after school, and our team can also refer to external professionals for counselling if it is felt that this would be better suited to the pupil or situation.

Alleyn’s Parents' Association

As an Alleyn’s parent, you automatically become a member of the Alleyn’s Parents’ Association (APA). 

The aim of the APA is to enhance the education of the pupils and to contribute to the welfare, happiness and success of the School, and its pupils, as global citizens. It also seeks to foster constructive communication and co-operative relationships between its members and the School.

To achieve these aims, the APA organises opportunities for parents to meet either by year group or on a school-wide basis. School-wide events such as the Parents’ Quiz Night, the annual Christmas ‘Holly Fair’ and Founder’s Day in the summer combine socialising with fundraising activities. Funds raised by the APA go to support the Bursary Fund (and previously, the Pupils’ Support Fund) as well as various initiatives within the School for the benefit of all pupils. Recent projects funded by the APA include the purchase of gym equipment, a 3D printer and touch pads for the swimming pool. In addition to raising funds for School projects, the APA also funds external charities, such as Link Age Southwark. Specifically, the APA has forged a close partnership with Ganet’s Adventure School* in Malawi, which it has supported through raising funds for the Think Malawi charity. (*you will have to accept the Google warning before proceeding to the blogspot.) 

The APA also hosts a parents’ pastoral evening each year, where a topic of mutual interest can be discussed with an expert speaker (recent evenings have discussed hosting parties, digital awareness and mental well-being). In addition, Head's Lunches are held once a term in the Advent and Lent terms and provide a unique opportunity for parents to meet the Head, the Senior Management Team and other staff over an intimate lunch with no formal agenda. These events have been specifically commended in the Independent Schools’ Inspectorate inspection. 

Furthermore, the APA runs the Second-Hand Uniform Shop, which - as well as being a good source of uniform for parents - raises considerable funds for the APA and reduces our School’s overall carbon footprint.

To contact the APA, please email [email protected].