Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

David Montenegro's The Red Arrows: Official Story

David Montenegro's The Red Arrows: Official Story

Wing Commander David Montenego OBE MA (Tyson's 1995) has written The Red Arrows:The Official Story of Britain’s Iconic Display Team, a collaborative project with personal insights from team members that span the life of the Red Arrows so far.

Daily Mail Book of the Week, it has been described variously as 'Heart-pounding, exhilarating . . . A fascinating testimony of jeopardy, cool heads and the sheer exultant addiction of flying.'and ''A wild ride . . . The ultimate insider guide, relating with great enthusiasm and insight what it means to be inside the cockpit as you scream through the skies at 350 to 450 miles per hour, within what feels like touching distance of your wingman, making continual nanosecond decisions that will result in certain death if you get them wrong.'

Hardback copies are available now.

Click here to buy now 

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