Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Philosophy & Modern Prisons Talk + Q&A

Philosophy & Modern Prisons Talk + Q&A

Today, Andy West (Philosopher & Author) delivered a thought-provoking talk and facilitated a dynamic discussion about prisons and philosophy.

Students from Year 12 were introduced to 5 different philosophical outlooks: The Stoic, The Happy Prisoner, The Rebel, The Reformist and The Radical. Once explained, the audience gathered in groups to discuss which philosophies could lead to freedom. Addressing a wide range of topics including imprisonment, prison reform, marginalisation, personal choice and social change.

Our students approached the session with curiosity, sharing a variety of views and importantly - questions. Thanks to the event organiser and kind host, Head of the Alleyn's Learners' Programme Dorcas Maxwell and our speaker.

We are proud of our students for their willingness to discuss and consider different viewpoints, and for contributing such thoughtful questions.

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Philosophy & Modern Prisons Talk + Q&A
