Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

A Lot of Hot Air and A Bit of A Scrape 2023

A Lot of Hot Air and A Bit of A Scrape 2023

On Wednesday 3 May the MCT and EAB Atrium filled with music as Alleyn's held the annual A Lot of Hot Air and A Bit of A Scrape concert.

Ned Bennett, Head of Wind and Brass commented that,

"One of our annual music highlights, Hot Air once again brought together musicians from years 7 up to 13, on occasion playing alongside each other in the same ensembles. From 50 string players in Sinfonietta, massed wind and brass of Monsterphonic, All Stars choir, Guitar Rockkestra, and Swing Doctors, to representatives of the brass family (Trumpeteers, The Hornets, Brass Quintet), and woodwind (Wind Quintet, Tutti Flutti, Traversieres, Clarinet groups, The Rackett (sic) !), pupils wearing all colours of shirt entertained a full MCT and EAB Atrium of enthralled parents and staff."

Head of Strings, Ms Jo Doley declared,

"last evening's Hot Air Concert proved to be another superb evening of music. The concert opened with a wonderful performance of ‘You can Run But You Can’t Hide’, a piece especially written for strings and percussion by Ned Bennett. Over fifty string players, together with four marvellous percussionists, filled the MCT stage to deliver an exciting and exhilarating introduction to an evening filled with music and, at times, audience participation!"

Director of Music, Mr Chris Dearmer said that,

"A Lot of Hot Air and A Bit of A Scrape is always a highlight of the year, and last night was no exception. To see so many pupils involved, across all year groups, supporting one another, and making music together, really encapsulates what Music at Alleyn's is all about! Bravo to all involved."

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A Lot of Hot Air and A Bit of A Scrape 2023
