The children of 5N performed their class assembly and the theme was the importance of playing and having fun!
After letting the audience know how busy life at school can be, the children explained lots of the benefits of unwinding and enjoying some fun. Playing with toys was also an important part of growing up for children in Ancient Greece and the scene shifted to an Agora in Athens where stall holders were persuasively selling their toys. A favourite playground game played by French children was demonstrated and then some of the playground games enjoyed by children in 5N were explained.
The children then reflected on the games they liked playing the most when they were enjoying some free time. They counted down the top 5 in each category and you may be interested to know that our favourites and winners were: Lego (best game to play on your own), Top Trumps (best card game) and Monopoly (best board game). The children finished with a song called, appropriately, ‘Happy’.
Congratulations to all the children of 5N for the work they put in to prepare for the assembly and for such a confident and assured performance. Well done, you were all amazing!