Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Celebrating Harvest Festival

Celebrating Harvest Festival

Year 5 staged a wonderful Harvest Festival at St Barnabas Church. The sun shone brightly and the audience were treated to a feast of harvest messages, songs and poems. The focus of our service was Harvest Celebrations around the world.

The children spoke about how these celebrations varied in different countries and they then ran a quiz asking the audience to use clues to try and guess the origin of certain key foodstuffs. The children also delivered a powerful message about the vital work undertaken by the South London Foodbank and how they help members of our community. The children delivered their lines and performed their songs with confidence and energy and the Year 5 teachers are very proud of their efforts. Well done!

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Celebrating Harvest Festival
