Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Capital Development Projects

Capital Development Projects

We have made a commitment to ensure all recent and future capital development projects are with sustainable and highly energy efficient design and eco credentials.

In recent building developments, the impact of the environment and sustainability are at the forefront of the design of any new Alleyn’s facility, as well as ensuring compliance with the BREAAM “very good” rating. Both the Lower School building and R.V. Jones Science building Building extension have solar panels installed which generate electricity for the School as well as other sustainable features. The redevelopment of the Junior School in 2022 also includes sustainable features such solar panels on the roof and a heat pump in the new building.

Find out more about some of our recent capital development projects and the considerations we have made to make them as sustainable as possible, including the new Junior School building which opened in May 2022 and the Lower School building which opened in 2018.

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Capital Development Projects
