Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Recognising Extraordinary Effort

Recognising Extraordinary Effort

Although Covid put a damper on some of our regular activities, the APA remained as busy as ever this final term of the year.

In June the formidable Midge Cameron and her Shed team ran a second-hand sale for current families and for families joining the school in September. The sale netted a record-breaking £5000 in profit, but more importantly we were able to reduce our carbon footprint by re-using school uniform in good condition. A huge thanks to all who supported this endeavour, either by donating, by volunteering, or by purchasing!

In early July, despite Founder’s Day being cancelled we moved forward with the Founder’s Day Raffle. The indefatigable Anastasia Kakou and her team did a brilliant job, raising over £3000 for our two nominated charities: Community Tech Aid ( and Samara’s Aid Appeal ( Again, a huge thanks to all involved!

Finally, the APA had long wanted to recognise the extraordinary efforts of the staff and teachers during the pandemic. Earlier this week we were able to hold a small Staff Appreciation Event in the Great Hall. We gifted each and every member of staff with a handwritten thank you note (hello hand cramp!), a small succulent, and a mini-cake. (We chose succulents for their resilience and ability to thrive in challenging conditions and we chose cakes in hopes they’d feel celebrated). From furloughs, to virtual learning (in many cases whilst dealing with their own young children at home), to demonstrating exceptional agility in responding to a constantly changing broader environment, the Alleyn’s staff have stepped up. And our children are all the better for their unwavering commitment, hard work, and dedication. We bow down to you all!

And we also bow down to a parent community that remains as engaged and giving as ever. To say that you have all stepped up, too, is an understatement! We have been amazed at your continued generosity — of time, of pocket, and most vitally, of spirit.  Your stalwart positivity in the face of uncertainty has kept us going. We will be rotating off the committee as Co-Chairs in October (Alex the Secretary and Louisa the Treasurer will remain in their roles for another year).  And while, yes, these have been an extraordinary two years in almost every sense, we feel honoured to have served the Alleyn’s Community even if in small ways.

Thank you & enjoy a lovely, restful summer break.

Stay safe!

Sarah & Shannon

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Recognising Extraordinary Effort
