Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

A Celebration of Equality and Diversity

A Celebration of Equality and Diversity

Following a competition with more than 50 pupil submissions, Ella in Year 7 recently had her stunning design selected to become the first Alleyn’s Diversity and Equality Logo.

Ella then worked with Assistant Head of Lower School and Design & Technology teacher, Mr Allen, who is an expert in graphic design as well as an external agency to ensure her logo works across a suite of Alleyn’s materials - from the School website, to printed newsletters, leaflets as well as a display within the School grounds. She tells us about her experience of taking part in the competition and the steps that followed:

I entered the competition because I like art and I knew the importance of diversity and having a school where everyone is celebrated for who they are especially as my sibling is non-binary.  

I like natured-themed designs so I based the design around a tree, and I felt the LGBTQ+ colours should feature also. I also chose a tree as it is vibrant, beautiful and alive in its own way, so I thought it a good feature of nature to put on the logo and design, so it grows from the diversity of Alleyn’s into something beautiful and strong.  

I enjoy art a lot. I spend a lot of my free time doing digital art, sketching and painting. My sibling and I take over the surface of the kitchen with pens paints, iPads and various artworks until my mum asks us to clean it up! I love nature hence the idea for the tree in the design.  

I was interested to see the design process and number of ideas that are thought of and tested before the final design is decided upon. The consideration put into the different aspects of the design and the experimentation is very interesting and complex especially as the design must be perfected to the client’s specifications. The design process is very intricate and interesting, and I am excited to see how the finished design turns out! 

And here is Ella’s powerful final logo which will create a powerful visual statement of Alleyn's commitment to diversity and equality. Congratulations Ella!

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A Celebration of Equality and Diversity
