Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Founder's Day

Founder's Day

The normal traditional and fun celebrations marking Founder's Day 2021 having been curtailed, thanks to some quick reactions, hard work and the wonder of technology, the School was still able to offer Speech Day and prizegiving and livestream the ceremony to allow it to be fully enjoyed by those unable to be there in person. Rev. Lander opened  and enjoyed addresses from Head, Mrs Jane Lunnon and Chair of Governors, Mr Iain Barbour.

Mr Charles Barclay, Alleyn's Governor and Past Master of the Worshipful Company of the Saddlers, presented diplomas to our Saddlers' Scholars, while Senior Deputy Head, Mr Andy Skinnard and Guest of Honour and AOB, Mr Chris Grant, presented the Lower, Middle and Upper School prizes.

Ella in Year 11 performed her GCSE dance piece and Emily in Year 13 performed an uplifting violin solo, Bach's Violin Sonata No. 3. 

The guest speaker was recent OBE awardee AOB Chris Grant (Class of 1980) and pictured above whose speech drew heavily on the value of friendship, which is particularly strong in Chris’s cohort, the Class of 1980 who have bonded together to create ‘The Virtual Buttery’ – a solution they came up with when the pandemic cancelled their much anticipated Class reunion in 2020.

Although the traditional gathering in the Pimm's tent was sorely missed this Founder's Day, being able to share Speech Day via the livestream was clearly appreciated by many alumni, and for some was their first glimpse of this event which ordinarily is restricted by numbers.

"Although I share the lamentations of you and countless others over the loss of the usual second half of Founder's Day (and very much share your hope of it being re-instated next year) what I benefited from this year was access to the Speech Day part of the celebration. This was a rare (or maybe unique) glimpse into the event which is not usually open to those not directly involved."

Similarly, the Foundation Schools were able to join together for their Commemoration Service and to celebrate the strong, ongoing links with Southwark Community Education Charity, to read more and access a recording of this lovely Service, led by Foundation Chaplain Reverend John Watson and including included readings from staff and students from each school, a wreath laying ceremony and a series of spectacular hymns sung by each of the school's choirs, you can click here.

In his speech, Chris Grant alluded to his year, the Class of 1980, who still maintain close ties with each other, a bond which has been invaluable during Lockdown. Classmate Rohan Candappa ( Brading’s) explains further:

"Seeing as the chance of a 40th anniversary get together disappeared last year, we set up a Zoom instead. People spread the word and we ended up with 40+ on the call. And some of us hadn't seen each other for 40 years. It was a little bit strange and a little bit fabulous. People dialled in from Canada, Vietnam,  and Australia. We even had a few from North London.

Anyway, it went so well, we set up what we called a 'Virtual Buttery' that would be an open house Zoom once a month for whoever fancied dropping in. When the lockdowns meant that our lives were so restricted , it was good to have a place to gather, talk and laugh. Out of the last of these gatherings came the question of whether we, as a group, could give something back. And it was suggested that maybe the issue of the mental health issues young people are facing would be a good focus. It was a suggestion that struck a chord with way too many of us. Probably something to do with the stage many of us are at as parents. We know the problem is out there either through personal experience, or through that of friends.

What came out of all this was the idea of The Schoolmates Challenge – a group of friends getting together to raise money to support this issue. We got in touch with The Maudsley Hospital, and they have a fundraising campaign running at the moment that focusses on this very area called #ChangeTheStory To date we have collectively raised over £2,220.00 and continue to meet regularly."

Viewers heard a welcome prayer from Rev. Lander and enjoyed addresses from Head, Mrs Jane Lunnon and Chair of Governors, Mr Iain Barbour.

Mr Charles Barclay, Alleyn's Governor and Past Master of the Worshipful Company of the Saddlers, presented diplomas to our Saddlers' Scholars, while Senior Deputy Head, Mr Andy Skinnard and Guest of Honour and AOB, Mr Chris Grant, presented the Lower, Middle and Upper School prizes.

Ella in Year 11 performed her GCSE dance piece and Emily in Year 13 performed an uplifting violin solo, Bach's Violin Sonata No. 3. We were sorry to miss the LAMDA solo piece from Conor in Year 7, who was unable to perform due to having to isolate.


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