Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

A Celebration of Community Creativity

A Celebration of Community Creativity

We welcomed 200 people to the Lower School to support Secret Postcards Private View last Thursday evening (3 October). A wonderful mix of current parents, pupils and staff, alumni, friends and former staff perused the original artworks, choosing their favourites in the name of a very good cause – The 400th Anniversary Campaign: Growing Bursaries for the Future

The range of art was just as eclectic – with pieces from pupils holding their own against known artists in an anonymous selection process. The evening was an entertaining and enjoyable one and had a real ‘buzz’ of purpose as guests surveyed the postcards, swapped notes and tried to narrow down their choices. Popular pieces were put into a randomised draw to select the lucky recipient. A separate silent auction was also held for a porcelain artwork by Edmund de Waal with competitive bids coming in throughout the evening event.

We would like to extend a huge thank-you to participating artists and to the Art Department as well as all those who purchased cards -  your collective efforts have enabled the School to raise pledges of over £8,500 towards means-tested bursaries.  Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with calls for a repeat event, so please watch this space!

Participants should now have received an email confirmation of their postcard result and payment methods, and are welcome to collect their new artwork from the School reception.

In the meantime, if you have any questions please contact [email protected]

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A Celebration of Community Creativity
