This morning, we were delighted to invite all Year 7 pupils to Christ Chapel for their matriculation, with the pupils descending from the school into the village at 9am. On the way, a few members of the public marveled at the pupils' new school uniform.
The Year 7 matriculation is a formal way of welcoming all pupils into the Alleyn's community. During the ceremony, the pupils receive a cornflower as a symbol of the beginning of their journey at Alleyn's School. They then return this cornflower during their Year 13 Graduation.
The ceremony (run by Liz Lander the School Chaplain) was a very moving affair, with pupils singing hymns, saying prayers, and listening to various speeches. It was also the perfect moment to reflect on our founder Edward Alleyn, and all he has done for this school.
Helen Lawrence, Head of Lower School, encouraged all pupils to savour each moment, as they will soon find themselves at the 'top of the metaphorical mountain' in Year 13. Jane Lunnon, Head of Alleyn's, also urged pupils to move proudly and courageously through the school, just as Edward Alleyn, the founder of Alleyn's School, once did.
We hope all pupils had a wonderful time, and are excited for the years ahead at Alleyn's School.