Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Keeping our coaches community friendly

Keeping our coaches community friendly

The Dulwich Foundation Coach Service is an incredibly important way for many of our children to come in to school. Because of the coaches, children can come to Alleyn’s from different parts of London safely, which adds to the diversity of our community. The coaches also provide a valuable alternative to cars, meaning that there are far fewer individual vehicles on the streets of Dulwich.  

The Dulwich Foundation Coach Service serves four schools – Alleyn’s, JAGS (James Allen’s Girls School), Dulwich Prep London and Dulwich College - which is all part of our combined drive to reduce the amount of vehicles making unnecessary journeys.  

We recognise that the coaches do impact on the lives of local residents and sometimes make life difficult for other people using our roads, and we realise that this is a problem we need to fix. So, we have a three-point plan to improve the service and to make sure it runs more sustainably and less disruptively for the local community.  

  1. We are developing a code of conduct with coach providers to make sure their drivers respect the road and local residents. We report all driving misdemeanours to our coach providers for action with their drivers.  

  1. We have set out a plan to make Townley Road safer for those choosing active travel and to make coach parking less disruptive. We have presented this plan to local Southwark councillors for their approval and we are waiting for them to respond.  

  1. We have appointed new transport specialists who are reconfiguring and optimising the coach routes themselves to make them more logical and less disruptive for the local area. It will take time to make sure this plan is effective and sustainable and it will take effect from September 2024, giving parents notice to make the necessary changes.  

Above all, we are committed to encouraging students and staff to travel into school in the most sustainable way and in finding ways to help them do that. Our green travel plan promotes walking and cycling in particular, as well as using local public transport, and we always work with parents and staff to make greener travel decisions easier for them.  

If you have any questions about travel to Alleyn’s, or about the Dulwich Foundation Coach Service, please contact us on [email protected].  

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Keeping our coaches community friendly
