Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Making Old Tech Work

Making Old Tech Work

Kalina, Lorcan and Martina, representing our Charity Committee and Environment Society, met Cat, Justin and Michelle from Community Tech Aid and helped load boxes of our e-waste into their van.

The donations will go to their local depot to be sorted and wiped of its data, before being either refurbished or repaired and donated to somebody in the community who needs them or responsibly recycled if that is not possible.

The charity aims to end the digital divide which became so evident during the Covid-19 crisis.

Chief Operating Officer, Cat Smith, said:

"We're delighted to be working with Alleyn's school to help reduce e-waste and support members of our local community online. At Community TechAid, sustainability is a vital part of our work, and as e-waste grows into the largest waste stream globally, it's vital that we work together as a community to repair, reuse and recycle. A huge thank you to all the students and teachers who helped us to collect over 40kg of e-waste. You've made such a difference!"

The added benefit of helping the community is that we help the environment and reduce e-waste - a win-win!

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Making Old Tech Work
