Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Surviving and Thriving Online

Surviving and Thriving Online

This first pastoral evening of the year was hosted by our Deputy Head (Pastoral) Gavin English, who welcomed some familiar faces as well as esteemed visitors to speak about some of the challenges that some of our children may face in the digital world and importantly, what we can all do to mitigate against these pressures.

There was a particular focus on mobile phone use and its link to social media. We were delighted to welcome alumna, Megan Crawford (Tulley’s 2015), who has just completed her doctorate in clinical psychology as one of our speakers, as well as representatives from Digital Awareness UK, who spoke about empowering young people to survive and thrive online.

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Surviving and Thriving Online
