Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.


A twist on the Ted Talks we are all familiar with, the concept of a NedTalk is to speak on any subject in a very concise seven minutes against the clock. There will be further NedTalks throughout the year, culminating in a larger NedTalk event attended by all seven Dulwich Foundation schools, presenting seven talks, each lasting seven minutes.

Today’s talks were delivered by two students and one teacher on three diverse subjects: Historiography Wars: The Empire Played Back, delivered - at speed - by Ms Jenny; Battered Brains: The Risks of Rugby, from Olivia in Year 13; and An Eight-Minute Talk in Seven Minutes: Relatively Speaking, from Tomas in Year 13.

The three talks were followed by questions from members of the audience and Mrs Lunnon congratulated the speakers on their fascinating talks.

Thanks to prefect Ipek in Year 13, who kindly compered this successful and interesting inaugural event. We look forward to more bite-sized wisdom in the New Year.

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