Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Historians Visit the Saddlers’ Hall

Historians Visit the Saddlers’ Hall

On Monday 10 October, A level History students visited the Saddlers’ Hall in the City of London to study the historical archives of the Worshipful Company of Saddlers, one of the oldest of the City of London Livery companies, which Alleyn’s has a longstanding association with.

The students were given a tour of the stunning neo-classical Hall where they were able to see the exquisite stained-glass windows and musicians’ gallery as well as historical antiquities, paintings and period furniture.

Alleyn’s History teacher, Sarah Kent, said:

“This year marks the anniversary of 50 years since the Saddlers began supporting Alleyn’s scholars and it was a wonderful opportunity for our historians to learn more about this connection. It was particularly interesting for the students to have a chance to see the wide variety of materials held in City Livery companies’ archives, giving them a taste of what archival work entails.”

Year 13 student, Zakia, said:

“The Saddlers archives allowed us to experience the link between Alleyn’s present and past combined with overall societal history since the 1500’s. The charter with Charles II was particularly fascinating as the hosts explained, in a very knowledgeable and interesting manner, the relationship between the Saddler’s Company and the Royal Family which has existed for decades.”

Edward in Year 13 added:

“On our trip to the Saddler’s Hall, we looked at some fascinating 17th Century documents unique to the Saddlers; our hosts were very knowledgeable and happy to answer questions, making it a very worthwhile trip!”

Thank you to the staff at the Saddlers’ Hall for your time and expertise and giving our students an insight into some fascinating history.

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Historians Visit the Saddlers’ Hall
