Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Becoming Part of the Alleyn’s Family

Becoming Part of the Alleyn’s Family

After two busy weeks finding their feet in the Alleyn’s Senior School, Year 7 pupils took part in a Matriculation service to formally acknowledge them as members of Alleyn’s School and wider community.

Held in the beautiful and historic Christ’s Chapel, built by our Founder Edward Alleyn and where he is laid to rest, the service grounded them in the history of the School and the legacy of our Founder.

Following a welcome from Chaplain, Rev Liz Lander, Head, Mrs Lunnon, congratulated the Year 7s on the start of their Alleyn’s journey and encouraged them to choose to be energetic, optimistic, creative and considerate and good people. This, she said, is what our Founder would have wanted.

She referred to Edward Alleyn as unpretentious, approachable, real. A self-made man. Prepared to think differently. A poor player turned lord of the manor, philosopher and charity worker who also absolutely knew how to have fun. And described him as an inspiring role model (setting aside the bear pits and taverns!)

Concluding her speech with a quote from Alleyn: “You called me a playn man; I desire allways so to be... My Heart & tong must always goe to gether’”, Mrs Lunnon said:

“We hope you will have a happy, successful and fulfilling journey through Alleyn’s School, we hope that you will bring creativity and compassion to all that you do, we hope you will engage your heads, hands and hearts and we hope, above all that you will be true to yourselves: so that it can also be said of you: “my heart and tong must always go together””.

School Captain, Nana-Yaw, also welcomed the Year 7s. Looking back, he explained to the pupils that he was very sick when he began Alleyn’s in Year 7. He said he could remember being visited in hospital by the School Chaplain at the time, Rev Buckley, playing on his Wii with his best friend from school from his hospital bed and receiving an enormous card which his class had made for him. “Despite it being a very difficult time,” he said “my overriding feelings from the time are positive because of the kindness around me. This is a very kind school.” Despite any bumps in the road the pupils may encounter, he reminded them that they will always be surrounded by kindness here.

After hearing some beautiful music from the School choir and a recital from three Year 8 pupils, each Year 7 was presented with a cornflower, Edward Alleyn’s favourite flower, to wear as they left the chapel to embark on their own Alleyn’s journey.

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Becoming Part of the Alleyn’s Family
