Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

SEND Society Talk on ADHD

SEND Society Talk on ADHD

The SEND Society talks have proved to be very popular; today’s talk focused on ‘Why ADHD Is Not Just About Concentration’.

The talk focused on the types and common symptoms of ADHD as well as the misconceptions - such as ADHD only affecting a person’s schooling but not the rest of their life or that it can be ‘fixed’ with medication.

As well as the challenges, the talk highlighted the strengths that ADHD can bring, such as the creativity, the ability to hyperfocus and the high levels of compassion for others that often accompany the condition.

The SEND society offers a safe space for pupils to learn from each other and share any concerns and all pupils are welcome.

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SEND Society Talk on ADHD
