On a rainy Friday morning, the cadets of year 10 and 12 CCF were waiting to set off on their Self-Reliance DofE Bronze expedition. The excitement in the air was palpable as groups huddled together to discuss and finalise their route cards.
On the first day, the route consisted of a wonderful hike though the beautiful forests, and, to quote William Blake, “England’s pleasant pastures”, as the wind and rain gave way to sun and a cool breeze, perfectly befitting of the majestic scenery.
We awoke on the second day, with a fresh morning dew in the air and set out on the second part of expedition. Although we were tired, we were all in good spirit and excited to finish. Yet as we reached the final few kilometres, the thought dawned that through the many hard miles of walking, it had been the teamwork and coordination, a test of perseverance that had kept us going through this most difficult of journeys and as we ended, we remembered the lessons that this trip had taught us – that doing things together is always better than doing something alone and that perseverance can get us through anything.
Skye (Year 10 Army)