Chloe from Year 9 writes about her experience at the Model United Nations conference weekend hosted by the Royal Hospital School in Suffolk, where Alleyn’s represented delegates from the UAE and China.
What a weekend! On Friday evening all the schools who were coming to the conference had a dinner held at Royal Hospital School. After the meal, the CCF department of RHS, revealed a crisis, a zombie apocalypse! People at the dinner were assigned different school departments. On behalf of the English department, Assad gave a hilarious speech about the respect Zombies deserved.
On the first day of official debating, lots of topics were discussed ranging from Apples becoming the new form of currency to increasing refugees rights. In World Health Organisation (WHO), they talked about epidemics and anti-vaxxers which took a sudden turn towards attacking China. In security council, they discussed nuclear non-proliferation and vigilante groups where they ended up having heated debates on socialism. In human rights council, they talked about decreasing the amount of torture and increasing refugees rights (particularly in the Middle East). In the space committee, they discussed the space treaties and other rules about using weapons in space which turned to a discussion as to whether potatoes or green beans should be sent up into space.
On the second day a crisis was revealed, no humans could die. This led to very heated discussions about the best methods for helping those who are ill but cannot die. On the second day, the UK and UAE managed to gain control of space and became known as the Supreme Leaders of the Intergalactic Republic and built a Death Star. To add to the power of the UAE, our delegate in the security council created a strong ally with Brazil which led to a resolution being written which meant that the delegates got married by a vote of majority.
After the trip, Alleyns pupils returned with many prizes. All three delegates of the UAE, (Moji, Hervé and Chloé) received the prize of best delegate in each of their councils. And two delegates of China (Assad and Long) received highly commended prizes in their councils. What a great turn out for Alleyns!
MUN is a specialised form of debating where different teams (delegations) made up of pupils and their peers (delegates) make arguments on behalf of their assigned country for or against a particular United Nations proposal.