Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Sustainability Week in the Junior School

Sustainability Week in the Junior School

From Monday 15 November to Friday 19 November, the whole School community turned green for Sustainability Week to mark the importance of providing for the present without compromising the future. The emphasis of the week was on actions - even small ones - which make a wider difference. The children and staff made a pledge to do something differently for the week. It proved to be a fascinating insight into how we are collectively becoming more sustainable as a School and as individuals. The children have really enjoyed earning their stickers for eating all, or almost all, of their food at lunchtimes. Those stickers have been transferred into House Points – find out next week who was the winning House. The food wastage at lunchtimes has certainly gone down – keep up the good work! More and more children are travelling to School by scooter, bike or on foot where they can. Our bike/scooter racks are full to bursting most days now. In our recent travel survey over 60% of children walk, cycle or scoot to School and car use was at the lowest ever, 20%! On Friday, the children wore something green in support of Sustainability week.

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Sustainability Week in the Junior School
