Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Tales from the Tin Tab abound at the 70 - year anniversary

Tales from the Tin Tab abound at the 70 - year anniversary

After such a long stretch of virtual meet-ups and Zoom calls, it was a joy to see some of our longest-standing alumni from the class of 1951 and their partners in the flesh on Thursday (2 September). They were gathered once more under the chestnut tree in the Quad to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of their time in the temporary hut known as 'The Tin Tab’. Organiser of the event Colonel Robert Shedden (Class of 1957) explains:

"To set the scene, the Tin Tab(ernacle) was a building which stood adjacent to the chestnut tree, at right-angles to the old fives courts and ran along the lower edge of the quadrangle. It was built of corrugated iron (hence the name) and lined throughout with wood and was heated by a coke-fired stove in each of two form rooms; 2b and 2c. It was probably left behind by the First World War; in any case it looked like it. In every respect it was a health hazard: but we loved it, Not surprisingly it was demolished circa 1966.  

The Tin Tab group has been running for about ten years. I started it as a get-together with as many of my surviving friends who entered form 2c in 1951 as I could muster. In the beginning we were eleven out of the original thirty-one in the form. Since then we have met in various locations, as a group, thrice each year and have expanded to about 30 to embrace those others of our wider era who still feel affection for the Tin Tab."

The lively group enjoyed a chance to catch up, reminisce and have lunch together in the old Buttery. They were joined by Head Jane Lunnon and new Director of Development and Alumni Relations Frank Keenan. It was a wonderful chance to hear some of the tales of days gone by at School.

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Tales from the Tin Tab abound at the 70 - year anniversary
