Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

An Engaging Educational Experience

An Engaging Educational Experience

Following the raising of funds during the pandemic by the whole Alleyn’s School community (including alumni) Alleyn’s embarked on delivering its very first Summer School to 44 families from 8 different local state primary schools. We reached out to local community primary schools that we have worked closely with for many years as part of our community partnership involvement.

The primary schools helped to identify families that they felt had had a difficult time during the pandemic and/or were classified as pupil premium. For 5 days pupils from Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 arrived at 8am for breakfast then had lessons in Science, Art, Design Technology, Maths, English, Music, Dance, Drama, PSCHE, swimming and first aid, as well as visiting talks from the Police and Fire Brigade! A tasty hot meal was then provided for lunch which proved really popular and then the pupils had sports activities each afternoon.

Many members of our Junior School staff helped to teach the lessons throughout the week and our Year 12 students did an amazing job with volunteering and supporting the visiting pupils each day. One of the highlights of the week was the final afternoon presentation where all the pupils performed a dance and several songs, learned during the week, in front of parents.

Each pupil received a rucksack, packed full of school resources to help them get the academic year off to a good start as well as a family game and a £15 WHSmith voucher to buy a book.

Mr Green Assistant Head Co-Curricular & Partnerships said: "This has been a brilliant scheme to offer to these families for free following the amazing fund raising support from our parents and alumni. The aim of the Summer School was to provide every pupil (and family) with an engaging and positive educational experience to help gain confidence and enjoyment in learning so as to start the new school year positively. The visiting pupils were absolutely fantastic and our own staff and students have been a real credit to the School throughout the week – it has been an incredibly proud week for the School. It has been an absolute privilege to work closely with Zara Long (alumna) who helped to coordinate the scheme and there is no doubt that it has made a huge difference to all these families".

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An Engaging Educational Experience
