Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

GRPP 2020 Winner

GRPP 2020 Winner

Governors were delighted to announce that the winner of the 2020 GRPP is Jessica Tabraham for her project entitled Can an Author be Removed from the Text?

Around thirty Upper School students submitted projects for the prize this year with a varied range of fascinating areas of research. The judging panel of teachers deliberated over all the scripts before shortlisting six students, who were invited to sit a viva with the Headmaster and Alleyn’s governing board.

Working for the project gives Upper School students a great opportunity to enrich their knowledge and researching a topic they have not covered in class. The process allows them to and develop their ability to work independently, a skill prized by prospective universities. The viva, where students are questioned closely on a topic they have researched in depth, is also brilliant preparation for university interviews.

Jessica and runners-up - Sonny Mahendron with his project entitled: The Last Hope of the Arab Spring: To What Extent Has Tunisia's Transition to Democracy Been a Success? and Ed Marshall, with his project Have Recent Advances in Genomics Led to Inequalities In the Healthcare Provided for Africans? - will each receive a cash prize.

You can read the Jessica, Sonny and Ed's abstracts on our website here and parents and pupils can read the full-length essays in the Enrichment section of the Hub.

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GRPP 2020 Winner
