Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Epic Theatre from Alleyn's Middle School

Epic Theatre from Alleyn's Middle School

Middle School pupils, under the expert direction of James Marshall, produced a powerful interpretation of The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui  by Bertolt Brecht.

Brecht, coming of age in the Weimar Republic, developed the school of ‘Epic’ or ‘dialectical’ Theatre, a reaction against the popular naturalistic and melodramatic conventions of his time. Epic Theatre rejects the notion that theatre is solely entertainment and instead seeks to break the fourth wall and provoke an audience into reflecting upon their own social and political status.

The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui is a highly conscious satirising of Hitler’s rise to power in Germany, and parallels many key events of that era. The Reichstag fire becomes an arson attack upon vegetable warehouses, Prussian landowners are recast as opportunistic businessmen of the Cauliflower Trust, and the annexation of Austria is the hostile takeover of neighbouring Cicero’s cauliflower trade.

It was clear that the students had risen to every demand laid before them tackling this challenging text and performance style, producing a thoughtful and nuanced production, bringing into play all their talent and dedication. Isabel in Year 10 spoke about the challenge and the rewards:

“I grew to love playing one aspect of Arturo. Learning to play one character with three people was a very unique and fun experience and brought a lot of originality to the production!”

Drama teacher Mr Marshall expressed his pride in his cast and crew at the end of a very successful first night:

“They have been courageous in rehearsal and sensitive in their support of one-another, and this show now belongs to them. I am so very proud, and I thank them all from the bottom of my heart for the privilege of their studentship and the pleasure of their company.”

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Epic Theatre from Alleyn's Middle School
