Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Planting of the Saddlers’ Grove

Planting of the Saddlers’ Grove

This year we are celebrating 50 years of generous sponsorship and partnership with the Worshipful Company of Saddlers. To commemorate this we have mounted an exhibition about the work of the Saddlers and for a longer-lasting commemoration, we have planted the Saddlers’ Grove, a collection of native trees, marked with a plaque, in the space between the Astro and Townley road.

Following a welcome from Mrs Lunnon, the Year 9 Saddlers’ Scholars read the Phillip Larkin poem, The Trees, before, lead by the Prime Warden, everybody took a turn with the spade to bed down the young apple tree sapling.

The party then moved on to the Robert Laurie Room, where the Year 10 scholars gave talks they have prepared to enter the Worshipful Company of Educators’ Public Speaking Competition. Everyone was impressed with the standard of the pupils’ talks, which included subjects as diverse as ‘The Benefits of Education’ to ‘Is the stereotyping of men harmful?’

There then followed a delicious tea, during which the pupils had the opportunity to chat to the Saddlers and their teachers. The pupils certainly enjoyed the whole experience, as expressed by Joana in Year 8:

"The tree planting ceremony was and amazing experience and so and I really enjoyed being there to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the union of the Saddlers and Alleyns. It was very interesting to talk to the Prime Warden and everyone else. Listening to the Year 10s really inspired me and definitely set a standard for me to work to. Thank you for this amazing opportunity."

We are forever grateful and indebted to the Worshipful Company of Saddlers for their long-standing and ongoing support of our School.

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Planting of the Saddlers’ Grove
