Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

A celebration of success in Mandarin for our year 8 pupils

A celebration of success in Mandarin for our year 8 pupils

This week, pupils in Year 8 have received the results of their performance in the Global Online Assessment in Mandarin Level 1, which launched in October this year. The assessment tests the pupils’ retention over the course of the two terms, with pupils receiving an official certification from the Independent Schools Examination Board. Everyone in the cohort achieved a score of over 80%, and a Distinction.

Congratulations to everyone, not only on their outstanding results, but for their commitment, curiosity, determination and energy in embracing this exciting opportunity.

Here’s what some of the pupils have to say about their experience:

"Mandarin is an amazing language and I love how it sounds (even though it is hard). I would say my favourite word is ‘kān’ and it means ‘eye’. Joanna

"I feel this has been an eye-opening tour through a new, differently constructed language but also a foreign culture which has expanded us to become better linguists and has showed us how life is conducted in another society." Phoebe

"The past terms of mandarin have been incredible, not only because of the language, which has been fabulous to learn, but also the great environment in which we learnt, and our incredible teacher and the other students. I’ve had a really great experience, thank you! xièxie!" Amelie

"I have really enjoyed the online learning and all of the teachers are very nice. My favourite phrase is ‘ni hao’." Gabriel

"I have loved how we have gone about learning this tricky language; the online exercises, oral speaking and the listening tasks because of how engaging it is. My favourite Mandarin word is hàn bǎo bāo which translates as hamburger!" Kirsten

"I have really enjoyed the fun way of teaching and the online course. My favourite word is ‘shouji’, which is mobile phone." Charles

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A celebration of success in Mandarin for our year 8 pupils
