Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Sustainability Week

Sustainability Week

Since 2019, we have held five school-wide Sustainability Weeks. This involves a week of activities, events and focus to unite and empower the school community to renew our commitment to sustainability, encouraging all pupils and staff to pledge to do something during Sustainability Week, and beyond, to help the environment, which collectively will make a big difference.

During Sustainability Week in 2021, we received more than 400 pledges. The top three were:

  • Switching off lights (made by 26% of our community)
  • Adopting a more vegetarian diet (26%)
  • And cutting down on single-use plastics (19%).

Find out more about some of the sorts of activities and events that take place during Sustainability Week in a news story about the most recent Sustainability Week which was held from 14-18 November 2022.

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Sustainability Week
