Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

A Year of Volunteering

A Year of Volunteering

If I asked you to describe London life, I’d be willing to wager that a go-to adjective would be ‘busy’. This is certainly echoed within our wonderful, diverse microcosm of London here at Alleyn’s. Our incredible student body masterfully manage busy schedules of academic rigour alongside a myriad of interests – and a typical day here will see them racing from lessons to clubs, to lectures, debates, fixtures, committees, concerts, and somehow managing all of the aforementioned with phenomenal levels of energy and enthusiasm.

Within this busy-ness, our students are faced with an endless stream of questions. Which club would you like to attend? Which instrument do you fancy playing? Which subjects are you going to choose? Which university appeals?

There is, however, one key question that is inexctricably interwoven with our schools history, values and ethos. It also happens to be the question that Martin Luther King declared on stage in Alabama in 1957 to be: “Life’s most persistent and urgent question”. It is, of course, “what are you doing for others?”

Luckily, the Alleyn’s community thrive when answering challenging questions, and this particular one remains at the heart of what we do.

The answer: Action. Whether it is the proactive charity committee, the passionate eco committee or simply the small, friendly gestures that pass between members our community, the spirit of philanthropy is alive and ever-present. For those that wish to take even more action to respond to the persistent and urgent question, we have a simple response – volunteer!

The year to date has seen record numbers of volunteers getting involved in our outreach, volunteering and partnerships programmes. Whether dashing off in their lunch breaks or giving up their time after school and at weekends, students from year 7-13 have seized opportunities such as (to name but a few):

  • Socialising with and providing entertainment for elderly residents of the Elms care home

“I loved listening to old stories of the residents in the care home.” Anahi

  • Building insulated ‘sleep-pod’ shelters for the homeless

"Volunteering was amazing this year; the sleep pods were really fun to make and the man running the project was very inspiring." Nicholas

  • Collecting bikes to be redistributed to refugees

"It was a great way to improve my communication skills when calling the refugees. It was also very fulfilling when we donated the bikes." Collete

  • Sorting and distributing food at a ‘community fridge

"I really liked going to the Albrighton food bank..." Anahi

  • Assisting with the cocurricular programmes at Dulwich Hamlet and Bessemer primary schools (including cookery, drama, paper engineering, sports and all in between)

“I really enjoyed doing capoeira with the kids at Dulwich Hamlet. They taught me lots of new skills and we had lots of fun performing with live music for the capoeira! I also made snowflakes with the children for the Christmas Fair.” Sarra

  • Inviting primary school children on site for specialist sports coaching.

“I enjoyed spending time with the children in Alleyn’s sports clubs.” Ranee

  • ‘Zooming’ the elderly in care homes to provide them with company and conversation

“I have enjoyed learning how to speak to and hold conversation with different kinds of people.” Zephy

  • Helping pupils at Harris Primary Academy learn to read

"I really enjoyed getting to know the children." Letty

As well as providing one on one English tuition to young Ukranian children and assisting with administration in the offices of local charities

The huge growth of our volunteering programme has meant that there are projects running almost every day of the week, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all students, teachers and partner organisations for making this happen. For those that are yet to get involved, there will be even more opportunities next year – watch this space!

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A Year of Volunteering
