Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Foundation Schools' Coffee Morning

Foundation Schools' Coffee Morning

Following the success of our first series of coffee mornings before the half-term break, we are delighted to offer – jointly with JAGS and DC – another three opportunities for Ukrainians and their hosts to meet informally on a Saturday morning. The next meeting will be taking place this month from 9.30 to 11.00 at the following venue:

Saturday 25 June Dulwich College

To help manage catering requirements, we would be grateful if those wishing to attend could complete this form by 5pm on the Thursday preceding each coffee morning.

So far these events have proven to be an excellent opportunity for refugee families to connect with individuals and groups based locally who are keen to offer support and expertise. The coffee mornings are open to the whole community, including those who may not have a direct connection with the Foundation Schools.

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Foundation Schools' Coffee Morning
