Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Treasure Island

Treasure Island

The Lower School has well and truly bottled the spirit of adventure with their high-energy performance of Phil Willmott’s adaptation of the Robert Louis Stevenson novel.

All the hard work back stage and on stage from cast and crew, under the inspirational and energetic direction of Mr Marshall, has paid off.

Director of Drama Mr Piper gives his review:

"The Lower School buccaneers brought us a stunning performance of Treasure Island. Directed beautifully by Mr Marshall, this was glorious ensemble storytelling and rollicking swashbuckling fun, replete with mass brawls, sea shanties, ghosts, a cheese-obsessed castaway and more wild pirate adventure than you could shake a cutlass at. The cast on stage all brilliantly supported by a terrific technical and creative team – the whole company launching the Hispaniola with the kind of whole-hearted, generous, irreverent theatre-making style we love here at Alleyn’s"

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Treasure Island
