At the second of the Foundation Schools Coffee Mornings – held here in the Lower School and organised to support refugees – we were delighted to host an art workshop led by Mariya Shub. Mariya is a Ukrainian art therapist and ceramicist who has also worked as a production designer and art director in film, animation and theatre. For many years she has run art courses in schools and summer camps for adults, family groups and children of all ages, experimenting with collages, murals, acrylics, water colours, mosaics and ceramics.
In her workshop, Mariya encouraged both children and adults to enjoy being creative with the simplest of materials – paper, glue, tape, coloured pens, etc. She shared her belief that everyone is capable of being creative and ‘artistic’, and that those who have never picked up a paint brush or designed a collage are just as able to create and enjoy art as those who have.
Starting from a piece of paper, ripped haphazardly, participants were encouraged to develop an initial shape to create a piece of art. In doing so, people of different ages, nationalities and abilities were brought together and both collaboration – and friendship – ensued.