Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Going Green for Sustainability Week

Going Green for Sustainability Week

The whole Alleyn’s community turned green for Sustainability Week from Monday 11 November to Sunday 17 November in a drive to provide for the present without compromising the future.

The focus for the week was on taking actions – even small ones – to collectively reduce our impact on the environment. Across the School community hundreds of pledges were made, from individuals, Departments and teams, with a commitment to change our behaviours, whether it was about eliminating or cutting down on plastic use, eating less meat, active travel to School or taking care to switch off our appliances after use.

School-wide initiatives throughout the week included a focus on reducing food waste resulting in a 40% reduction in food waste – a fantastic effort which we shall continue. The heating was turned down all week by two degrees, with a further drop in temperature for ‘Bring a Jumper Day’ – a brilliant suggestion from our pupils to layer up to save energy. In the Dining Hall and café, single-use cups were banned, and drinks dispensers replaced individual cartons and bottles to reduce plastic use and we also had a vegetarian focus all week including a meat-free Monday. Local bike mechanics, Balfe’s Bikes, came in to service bikes for free to encourage safe and active travel to School. And a brilliant team of pupils tackled Lost Property in a fantastic effort to return, reuse or recycle lost items.

We also built on our understanding of how our actions can impact the environment around us with a talk from marine biologist Libby Bowles and we welcomed speakers in a series of sustainability-inspired careers talks.

Thank you to pupils and staff who took action to think and act more sustainably and make Sustainability Week a success. We look forward to continuing to work with our pupil led Eco-Committee and our new staff Eco-Group to continue this drive and make every day School life more sustainable.

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Going Green for Sustainability Week
