Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

University Update - Leavers' Destinations 2019

University Update - Leavers' Destinations 2019

Results Day is always a busy time for our Year 13 students as they think about their future paths and all the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. Over the past few weeks, our academic and support staff have assisted our Leavers as they make those final decisions, and we can share the outlines of this year’s university admissions picture now that students have largely confirmed their options.

  • 91% of our Leavers have secured a place at their first or second choice university
  • 96% have now secured a place, which is of course fantastic news
  • An impressive 78% of the Leavers’ acceptances were at Russell Group universities
  • The most popular destinations this year were Nottingham, Bristol, Oxford and Edinburgh

Of course, beyond these raw statistics there are so many good news stories of students achieving their goals and heading off to a destination of their choice, whatever and wherever that might be.

As well as universities, we had students accepted at music conservatoires (Royal College of Music and Trinity Laban) and Guildhall (to study Set Design), as well as students gaining places on prestigious Art foundation courses. Medicine remains very popular with 15 students gaining places at Medical Schools or Veterinary Colleges this year.

The most popular courses this year were Medicine, History/Politics or related courses and Economics.

The subjects our students apply for remain fairly consistent: we retain a very even split between applications for Science-based degree courses and Arts and Humanities courses.

We would like to wish each and every one of our Leavers happiness and success for the future, and look forward to seeing them back at Alleyn’s before too long to tell us how they are getting on. We are so proud of them all.

Dr Savage (Headmaster)
Dr Atkinson (Head of Upper School)

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University Update - Leavers' Destinations 2019
