Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Top GCSE Results For Alleyn's Pupils in 400th Anniversary Year

Top GCSE Results For Alleyn's Pupils in 400th Anniversary Year

Alleyn’s Founder Edward Alleyn would surely be proud as our boys and girls have achieved an impressive sweep of GCSE grades, continuing the School’s long-running tradition of academic success.

The results use the numerical marking scale, 1-9, that exam boards began to introduce in 2018. This year, all examination subjects use this 1-9 scale for the first time.

The headlines are:

  • 43% of all grades awarded to Alleyn’s pupils were at the highest possible Grade 9
  • 71% of all grades awarded were at Grade 9 or 8
  • 88% of all grades awarded were at Grade 9, 8 or 7
  • Almost a quarter of pupils gained at least ten Grade 8s or better

As we celebrate the 400th year of Edward Alleyn’s foundation of his School, the results provide yet more reason for our community to be cheerful.

In a nod to another historical milestone, Alleyn’s was one of the first schools of its type to become fully co-educational, back in 1976, and appropriately both our boys and girls have performed superbly, as they do every year.

Headmaster, Dr Gary Savage, said: “This is a really fantastic set of results for our boys and girls, particularly at a time when public examinations – and the way they are graded - are becoming ever more demanding. I am so pleased for them all. The pupils’ achievements demonstrate their own hard work, commitment and determination, and underline the immense value of our staff’s heartfelt efforts to encourage curiosity and good scholarly habits, and to instil a lifelong love of learning.”

“In this, our anniversary year, we can be sure that our Founder, Edward Alleyn, would be delighted with the way in which our boys and girls are able to perform to the highest academic standard while remaining level-headed, kind and caring young people. This is precisely the sort of outcome that our inclusive, co-educational outlook and progressive, holistic ethos seek to bring about.”

Mrs Mel Joel, Head of Middle School, said: “I am delighted for the pupils and their families. The boys and girls have worked with such energy and enthusiasm throughout their time in our Lower and Middle Schools and these are fitting results. We look forward to watching them all continue to thrive as they move into Upper School to enjoy the next stage of their Alleyn’s experience.”

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Top GCSE Results For Alleyn's Pupils in 400th Anniversary Year
