Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Loyalty, Friendship and Connection

Loyalty, Friendship and Connection
Development and Alumni

Thank you to everyone who joined us for a fantastic Alleyn’s Alumni Decades Reunion on Saturday 23 March for a day filled with loyalty, friendship and connection spanning seven decades.  

We were delighted to welcome back alumni from the classes of 2014, ‘04, ‘94, ‘84, ‘74, ‘64 and ‘54 and their partners and families, former members of Alleyn’s teaching staff as well as current staff for a chance to reconnect, share memories, and see the School as it is today. 

The reunion began with a welcome reception in the Great Hall – the site of many former assemblies, Music and Drama performances and Alleyn’s Speech Days. Head, Jane Lunnon, welcomed guests and thanked them for being such a “courageous, fun and engaging community, driven by a sense of social justice and decency”. She continued: 

“We are enormously grateful for the legacy you have given us.” 

Reflecting on some of the things that connect us and drawing on the power of music to evoke memories, Mrs Lunnon shared the number one in the charts in March of the year each alumni group left Alleyn’s. Many served as wonderful metaphors for their time here, including 1974’s chart topper ‘Seasons in The Sun’ and 1994’s ‘The Power of Love'. 

Everyone enjoyed the chance to catch up with old friends and with teachers who had left a lasting impression. Guests also had the opportunity to take part in memorable year group photos, taken on the steps of the iconic main School building, before being whisked off around the School for a tour. 

For some alumni it was their first time back to Alleyn’s in 30 or even 40 years. Some took the opportunity to bring their families and enjoyed sharing memories of their school days as they took their tours of the site, guided by current Year 12 students.  

For many there were spaces which remained very familiar, including old form rooms and DT workshops but they also enjoyed the chance to see new and transformed spaces, such as the new pastoral heart of the School, The Alleyn’s Well, which opened in 2023, and the Chris Marvin Observatory, which opened in 2016 - and which was named in honour of Chris Marvin who taught Physics at Alleyn’s from 1973-1987. (We were delighted Chris was with us on Saturday for his first trip up to the observatory in eight years!)  

About the day, Tom Irvin (Tyson’s 1994) said: 

“It was an absolutely wonderful event and everybody really enjoyed meeting up. I know that because of it a lot of people who may not have been in touch for 10 to 30 years will now be seeing more of each other.” 

And Bob Howe (Tyson’s 1964) commented: 

“Today was very special and brought back many memories that I didn’t know were buried in the depths of my brain. In particular, I really appreciated the tour of the School, which included at least one of my old form rooms. Whilst much was familiar, it was also very interesting to see how much has changed in the (frighteningly) 60 years since I left.” 

Thank you to everyone who made the reunion so special. We are also grateful to our fantastic Year 12 students for sharing their time to welcome alumni back. 

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Loyalty, Friendship and Connection
