Ms. Goff and the Modern Foreign Languages department are excited to be introducing the All MFL Fest next week. The event will be an afternoon of talks and networking between Alleyn’s MFL teachers, students, Alumni and pupils from local schools including JAGS, DC, Trinity and SSLP partner schools.
This inaugural event has been designed with the chief purpose of bringing together young linguists from schools across southeast London to celebrate the value of language learning and to highlight the rich opportunities that multilingualism can offer. Our six brilliant speakers, including three alumni, two guest speakers and our very own Senior Deputy Head, Mr. Skinnard, have prepared stimulating presentations on a diverse range of topics, from journalism and literature to music and sport.
At the heart of each of these workshops there is a valuable message about the importance of learning another language. Attaining proficiency in a modern foreign language not only helps to support confidence and self-esteem, but it broadens ambition and promotes core skills of independence, empathy, and resilience.
The unique skills acquired through the formal study of a modern foreign language are essential tools in the global jobs market for which we are preparing our young people. We hope the afternoon will provide inspiration and courage to all budding young linguists in encouraging them to take the next steps along their own language journeys.
The occasion provides an enriching opportunity to host pupils from local and SSLP partner schools. Mr. Jones, Alleyn’s Director of Partnerships expressed his enthusiasm for the event, stating; ‘we are delighted to bring students from across Southwark together for this exciting collaborative event and hope it is one of many we continue to deliver into the future’.
With the aim being for pupils to learn about different pathways and opportunities to take their language studies beyond school, we hope those who join leave feeling inspired and educated.
Thank you to Ms. Goff and the Modern Foreign Languages for their efforts in preparing the day.