Recently promoted from Able Cadet 3* to Leading Hand, Natalia, who joined the CCF in Year 9, loves to spend time outside and get out of the city, and carries a cheerful, eager disposition with her wherever she goes. She’s not shy to apply herself and is always ready with a thumbs up and smile whenever a camera comes out to capture CCF moments. When she’s not in uniform leading other cadets or working on her flight sim skills, you’ll see her across the school taking part in a huge variety of activities, from CanSat, to heading the astronomy society and supporting the charity committee. Talk about all-rounder!
Clearly not one to sit idle, Natalia along with a group of friends decided to join the CCF off the back of their lockdown boredom and inability to join Duke of Edinburgh in Year 9. It was a tough decision between the RAF and the Navy sections, but the group settled on joining the Navy cohort.
Natalia has since attended all the compulsory trips including the yearly overnight exercises, adventure training in Year 10 to Brecon Beacons in Wales, adventure training in Year 12 to the Peak District, and most notably, summer camp in Cyprus last summer.
Natalia’s experience in Cyprus not only took her to a different country, but created new connections with other cadets as the camp was attended by several other schools. Natalia was put into a section away from her school friends, in a completely different group. As a result, she made friends with a girl from a different school, who she became quite close with – not a surprise considering they were spending whole days and nights together. Months on, they’re still in contact, and Natalia has made herself a whole new friend group.
Her original intention was to complete just one year of CCF, before dropping it to pick up Duke of Edinburgh, however, Natalia has fallen in love with CFF and has stayed on-board – which has resulted in some supremely unique and special opportunities.
Natalia was recently accepted into a prestigious Naval Wings flying course, which is only open to Navy cadets, and is in the midst of pilot training at the Royal Naval Air Station in Culdrose, Cornwall. After flying through the bronze section, where she placed 2nd, Natalia has progressed with 11 other cadets to the silver level of the programme which will be carried out this coming May. This is an astounding achievement that is enabling her to advance her dream of entering the aircraft engineering realm.
On top of the opportunities the CCF has opened, there has been a great amount of skill building in tow. Natalia has collected abilities across shooting, sailing and other physical skills, but more importantly there have been significant shifts in her confidence and leadership development. Being an NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer), it is Natalia’s responsibility to lead other cadets, and while this took some getting used to, Natalia has developed her authority and ability to give orders in a way people can respond to. While she’s not a naturally confident person, being an NCO empowers her to push herself to be.
When it comes to advice for other pupils looking to join, Natalia states:
‘Join. Try it out just like anything else. Never say no to anything. That's my attitude. If someone offers me something, I'll always say yes. Even if I don't think I'm going to enjoy it, or I don't think it’s for me.
‘Try everything because some of the best experiences and new friendships can unfold. You don't know what's going to happen, but all you do know is that nothing's going to happen if you don't do anything.’.
Wise words, Natalia. Keep up the great work!