Members of the Charity Committee did a superb job talking to the school prior to the annual charity walk that took place in the last week of Lent term. The focus of this years walk? Fundraising for Save the Children's vital work with children in Gaza, which aims to shield children from the ravages of the war and resulting disaster.
Kalina opened the presentation, delving into the history and scope of Save the Children's mission. Founded in the 1920s to safeguard children amidst conflict, the organisation has since expanded its reach to aid in natural disaster relief efforts. Their initiatives include providing safe spaces for children, reuniting separated families, delivering emergency relief and healthcare, and supporting temporary schools and cash grants for families rebuilding their lives.
Harry then highlighted the urgency of the situation in Gaza, where thousands of children have fallen victim to conflict, facing famine and dire circumstances. Save the Children's response in Gaza has been swift and comprehensive, distributing essential supplies, offering mental health and psychosocial support, and facilitating medical assistance for evacuees.
Elizabeth broadened the perspective, shedding light on Save the Children's global endeavors. From providing aid in Ukraine amidst ongoing conflict to addressing the Horn of Africa's worst drought on record, the organization remains steadfast in its commitment to children's welfare worldwide.
Esme outlined practical ways for students to contribute, emphasizing the importance of donations to support Save the Children's crucial work. Parents were provided with a Just Giving link for online donations, while collection buckets will be available on the day of the jog for those preferring cash contributions.
Sophie concluded the assembly with logistical details for the charity walk event, which ultimately led to a super smooth delivery on the day, with every pupil from reception to Year 13 marching, walking or jogging in solidarity.
The assembly culminated with a heartfelt call to action, urging students to seize the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children facing adversity in Gaza. As the school community rallies together for this noble cause, every pound raised promises to bring hope and relief to those in need.
We are so proud of our Charity Committee and the recent events and initiatives they have organised, supported and delivered in aid of school partners, charities and causes that span far beyond themselves. They are great examples of the empathetic, caring and kind humans that are now the beating heart of our school, and tomorrow the leaders, movers and shakers that will create meaningful change in the world.