As we celebrate International Women’s Day and reflect on how we should ‘Inspire Inclusion’ there will be a range of issues being discussed. As the staff support for the Alleyn’s Feminist Society over the last few years, I have been inspired by the dedication of both male and female students in exploring avenues to promote gender equity but this year we felt a particular voice emerging: our Upper School boys were joining the conversation on a weekly basis.
As part of our journey towards creating truly inclusive environments, fostering male coalition within our school communities becomes an essential part of the narrative. It's crucial to recognise that feminism is not a women's issue; it's a societal issue, an issue of justice, that requires the participation of everyone. By making Feminist Society and feminism relevant for boys as well as girls, we lay the foundation for a more inclusive and equitable future.
Watch the video.
One of the most promising aspects I've witnessed is the genuine collaboration between male and female society members in addressing complex issues and the preparedness to speak openly – to ask the difficult questions. We should not be scared to address the research and hold two truths that might appear conflicting but in fact are not: the Patriarchal structures we have built hurt girls and they also hurt boys too. The critical analysis of what 'traditional' gender identities are and how those stereotypes could be harmful to both men and women is an integral part of fostering male support for feminist advocacy. This is decidedly not what the headline from The Onion satirically warns, “Man Finally Put in Charge of Struggling Feminist Movement”. This is a collection of young people joining together to explore how they wish to shape the world and openly share their ideas in a space where they are welcomed to do so, critically and honestly. I will continue to support our Feminist Society in maintaining this balance in its members.
Watch the video.
Dorcas Maxwell-Head of the Alleyn's Learners' Programme