A group of cadets and Non commissioned officers have spent the week at Longmoor Military Camp, for the annual CCF Summer Camp. This year they were hosted by London District Cadet Training Team, alongside contingents from other schools. It was an enriching week of training and Army based activities, where our cadets had a great time working shoulder to shoulder with their peers from other schools.
Read the day by day breakdown of what the cadets were doing.
Day 1
The first day of camp was based around fun but tactical shooting activities. Cadets had the chance to go paint balling, where, grouped in fire teams, they conducted a recce, gaining information about their enemy forces before making contact.
They then went on to practice the field gun for their competition on Friday. Field gun is a prestigious event in the British Military. The last task of the day was laser clay, where cadets fired laser shotguns at targets.
Day 2
The rain may have come but the cadets were fully engaged in three activities for day 2 of camp. An assault course combined physical exercise with teamwork and the slippery conditions meant the cadets really had to push themselves to get through safely.
They refined their navigation skills, using a compass and map to orientate themselves around the woodland, and learned practical skills at the survival stand. There, the Gurkhas taught the cadets about forest survival and the importance of water, food and shelter.
Day 3
TIBUA (training in built-up areas) had the cadets clearing buildings in fire teams. Smoke was deployed for a tactical attack while they stormed the buildings, intensifying the task.
Cadets were then placed into fire teams, to practice contact front drills and to work together on patrol. During the drill they came under enemy fire and had to withdraw. The older NCO’s lead the younger cadets well and worked effectively as a team to ensure the drill ran smoothly, safely and enjoyably.
In the afternoon everyone tuned into the England v Netherlands football match in the cinema.
Day 4
For day 4 of camp, the platoon had to occupy an area of woodland, applying their training to maintain a safe position. They then got to practice their ambush skills, conducting a deliberate and planned ambush using intelligence on the enemy positions and movement. This called for overwhelming firepower and working as a team. The cadets successfully operated their rifles using their weapons handling training.
Day 5
Competition day! The cadets were put into three teams, competing in different activities through the day. Of the twelve events, there were some field craft stands such as ambushes, and a variety of other activities including a marching competition, an obstacle course, the indoor shooting range, and a navigation stand. Competing against eight schools, they came an impressive third; with mainly first year cadets, and in a platoon with another school.
Rounding off a superb week, the cadets were able to wish our wonderful SSI a goodbye and thank you. Colour Seargent Mark Stevens is very sadly moving further North, leaving Alleyn's after a very successful time helping and inspiring the cadets, and helping organise last summer's incredible summer camp in Cyprus. We wish him well.