Sasha is a sprightly, friendly member of Alleyn’s CCF who, with her friends by her side, entered the Navy section in Year 9. Four years on, and she is now a key figure, making up a core group of female NCO’s (Non-Commissioned Officers) who have offered a brilliant, impactful service to our contingent.
Looking ahead to the next academic year, Sasha will be stepping into a senior leadership position, taking up the post as Head of Navy, which is an incredible and well deserved achievement.
The Naval spirit runs deep with Sasha, whose dad and grandad are both passionate about sailing. Her grandad did national service and has lots of stories from his time there which have clearly inspired Sasha in her CCF pursuits.
Sasha thought that joining the CCF sounded not only fun but was enticed by the chance to go on many amazing trips, alongside many amazing people, whereby memories and stories over time are collected, reminisced on and shared. In this regard, Sasha makes special mention of Colour Sergeant Stevens, expressing how great it is that he has so many amazing stories to share.
The opportunity to get outside and practice real skills in a real environment also had a big appeal to Sasha who details how you can climb in a climbing gym which is expensive and comparatively dull, whereas, through the CCF you can climb outdoors which is fun and unique.
In her four years of involvement with CCF, Sasha has completed several expeditions including the Year 9 skill at arms, the Year 10 overnight camp, adventure trainings, Cadre and the summer trip to Cyprus. Cadre and Cyprus are two experiences that have stood out to Sasha, due to the challenge of camping several nights in a row, and the strengthening of relationships and camaraderie that resulted.
The Cadre is an Army-based syllabus which immerses cadets in challenging and realistic scenarios. Through a blend of familiar and unfamiliar situations, cadets learn to appreciate the value of both hard and soft skills, understanding the necessity of being both proactive and reactive. The course is designed to develop leadership abilities and prepare cadets to handle the consequences of their decisions effectively, and culminates in a week long exercise that puts cadets through their paces, testing their decision making, leadership skills, mental and physical fortitude. Through experiences like Cadre, Sasha has learnt unique skills and become closer to her comrades.
When it comes to skill building, a key element that stands out for Sasha is the opportunity to do things that others her age usually wouldn’t do. Inclusive of this are the teaching and leadership sides of being an NCO, which has seen her delivering lessons to 20 or so Year 9 cadets at a time - something that most people might never, ever get to do. This experience working with groups of people (particularly those of such a tender age and ability) will undoubtedly serve Sasha well when she steps into her life beyond school.
We are thrilled with how the CCF develops the skills and mindsets of our cadets, and we know that through their experiences, they become better equipped to succeed in many areas of life. Sasha is a testament to our work, and is encouraging of younger pupils who are looking to be involved, stating:
‘Definitely join. You'll have lots of fun. You'll make so many friends and you won't regret it.’
Keep shining Sasha, we are proud of you!