Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

Launching our 5 Days of Christmas Food Collection Campaign

Launching our 5 Days of Christmas Food Collection Campaign
Senior School News

In a spirit of generosity and community support, we are proud to unveil our annual 5 Days of Christmas Food Collection campaign, set to kick off next week. The initiative aims to provide much-needed assistance to local School charities, including Albrighton Fridge, the Brixton & Norwood Food Bank, and Under One Sky. 

The campaign is structured to encourage contributions of specific items each day of the week, ensuring a diverse range of essentials for those in need. Here's a breakdown of the focus for each day: 

Monday – Staples: The week starts with a call for staples such as rice, pasta, UHT milk, tea, coffee, hot chocolate, breakfast cereals, rolled oats, sugar, and fruit juice. 

Tuesday - Tinned and Long-Life Food: Tuesday shifts the focus to tinned and long-life food items, including tinned vegetables, tomatoes, halal and non-halal meat, baked beans, rice pudding, custard, jam, marmalade, marmite, crisps, and cereal bars. 

Wednesday – Christmas Treats: Middle of the week, the campaign invites donations of Christmas treats like mince pies, Christmas pudding, chocolates, sweets, and Christmas coins. 

Thursday - Children's Gifts: Thursday is dedicated to bringing joy to children in need with donations of toys, cuddly toys, pencils, stationery, socks, gloves, and scarves. 

Friday – Warm Products for the Homeless, Toiletries, and Household Items: The campaign concludes with a focus on the essentials for the homeless, including warm clothing (jackets in sizes M, L, and XL), toiletries, and household items such as toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, sanitary products, toilet paper, baby wipes, nappies, soap, washing up liquid, laundry detergent, and adult socks and sleeping bags. 

Collection bins will be conveniently placed at the front of the school and in the Lower School Atrium to facilitate easy and accessible drop-offs throughout the week. 

For those interested in learning more about the local food banks and the impactful work of The Trussell Trust, additional information can be found at the following links: Norwood & Brixton Food BankAlbrighton Fridge, and Under One Sky

The Alleyn’s community expresses gratitude in anticipation of the anticipated generosity from parents and supporters. Together, we look forward to making a positive and meaningful impact this holiday season. Let's make it a season of giving! 

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Launching our 5 Days of Christmas Food Collection Campaign
