Alleyn’s School is a 4-18 co-educational, independent day school in Dulwich, London, England.

CCF Overnight Exercise to Mereworth Woods

CCF Overnight Exercise to Mereworth Woods
Senior School News

Year 10 Army cadets were not the slightest bit put off by the rain at their recent overnight exercise in Mereworth Woods, showing plenty of Alleyn’s enthusiasm, courage and CCF built attitude. The annual Field Day exercise allows cadets to put their physical skills to the test and is designed to facilitate Year 10 cadets' progression from 1* to 2*.  

Preparation for the exercise started weeks beforehand with cadets training in different skills during their weekly parade and training sessions, where they learn from the more experienced Year 12 and 13 NCO’s (Non-Commissioned Officers). By the time overnight exercise swings round in March, they’re well equipped and ready to hit the woods for an overnight excursion.  

Arriving after dark from South London on a wet spring evening, the cadets had to load up their prepacked bergens (rucksacks), which they had prepared the week before. Part of their training for the exercise included learning how to pack their bergens in a way that keeps their kit organised and accessible, and importantly, dry. Bergens and rifles ready, the cadets then had to patrol together through the woods, navigating their way stealthily to the location of their harbor. 

Once they determined where it was that they would set up for the night, cadets appointed sentries, and began setting their harbour up in a specific formation and putting their basher building to the test. A suspended A-frame style shelter constructed from waterproof sheets strung between trees, the basher’s offered the cadets a dryish bed for the night. Basher’s ready, the cadets then heated up their ration pack dinner using hexi fuel and a camp stove, before tucking up in their bivvy's and getting to sleep before midnight, which is early for a group of excited Year 10’s!  

The next morning, CSgt Stevens had plenty of feedback for some of the lower slung, loose and floppy bashers which struggled to make it through the night but overall, the cadets managed a pretty good job at it and stayed relatively dry throughout the night. 

Day two of the exercise saw cadets split into groups to work on their patrolling skills, CASEVACS (casualty evacuations) and communication skills, all guided and supported by the NCO’s.  

Overnight exercises like this are such a great opportunity for cadets to get outside of the city, spend a night camping out in the open air, and put their learned skills into action. Seeing the culmination of their months of preparation and learning come together is a joy to be part of.  

Each cadet brings something special to the CCF mix, they simultaneously push each other, while having each other's backs as needed. They learn the importance of teamwork early on in their CCF journey, and the ever-growing sense of camaraderie between the cadets, NCO’s and accompanying staff exemplifies just one of the ways the CCF empowers participants to be All They Can Be.  

Well done to our Year 10’s and NCOs for their efforts at Mereworth. Onto the next one we say!

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CCF Overnight Exercise to Mereworth Woods
